How to add terms translations to the Glossary in bulk on Crowdin?

Hi everyone! I was wondering if there are any hidden (or rather undiscovered) options for a glossary! Hope you can help me.

The thing is that I have quite many terms that supposed to be added, but adding them manually in the Editor or locally in the csv/xlsx is too much time-consuming. So, I do hope there is a better way on how to manage it. For instance, I have a term “Hyperlink”, how can I add a meaning for that term into 4 languages effectively? I’d appreciate a help!


Hi! I do know what you feel! Had the same challange before, but Crowdin folks introduced me to a fantastic option called “Translate Glossary” (it is hidden in the Glossary tab of the needed project).

So, basically how it worls: once you enable it, the Glossary will be duplicated as the file for translation in the Files tab, and it is convenient to add translation of the terms in the same way as to any other file in your project. No more manual adding or uploading :slight_smile:

I guess in your case you can easily switch between languages in the Editor, and add the needed meaning in the translation field. Hope it helps!